The Death of Saul by Gustave Dore

Saul’s Blunder

King Saul did many things wrong. God knew this before hand. In fact, when Israel insisted on having a king like the other nations God gave them a sober warning …

Praying Hands

Prayer and Concentration

Of all the parts of the Christian life the one that I probably have the most shortcomings with is prayer. This is no small tragedy as prayer is one of …

Ten Thousand Miles From Tip to Tip

Dominion, Not Imperialism

There is a pernicious misconception from both Christians and non-Christians that confuses imperialism with dominion theology. While it’s true that history is filled with various crusades where wars and invasions …

Moses Breaking the Tablets of The Law by Gustave Dore

Very Bad Words

When I was a teenager I once asked my grandmother if saying G**D*** was really all that bad. My simple minded reasoning went something like this: Saying G**D*** is not …

Old Books

One or Two

The Apostle Paul writes in Romans 1:25: because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed …