Christian Martyrs Last Prayer

Rome’s Demise

The Roman Empire didn’t fall because of military issues-The true roots of its decline were monetary. In Ludwig von Mises’s Human Action his explanation for the demise of Rome is …

End The Fed (Proverbs 20:23)

The Fed’s Eminent Mistake

Despite the Fed’s massive inflationary efforts there’s still no real recovery of housing prices. So what’s the solution? In a curiously titled research paper, Paying Paul and Robbing No One: …

Broken Window

One Lesson

If you’re only going to read one economics book in your life make it Henry Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson. Hazlitt takes the great Frederic Bastiat’s That Which is Seen, …

Education Bubble

Generation MBA

When investment legend Jim Rogers was asked about getting an MBA his response was that one could learn more by sitting in a hot tub in Boston than going to …