David by Michelangelo

Far From Worthy

The compliment was more telling than the question. The young man asked, Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life? Since he was a boy he had worked …

William Tyndale (Victoria Embankment) by Sir Joseph Edgar Boehm

Bible Study: The Tyndale Way

On the subject of practical theology and bible study, J.I. Packer wrote that William Tyndale may justly be called the grandfather of Puritan practical theology. Tyndale was indeed ahead of …

Perpetua Mosaic, Croatia

A Young Lady in Caesar’s Court

The life of virtue is one in which a person is able to evaluate and order values in accordance with their true worth. It’s about priorities. For many things in …

Ten Thousand Miles From Tip to Tip

Dominion, Not Imperialism

There is a pernicious misconception from both Christians and non-Christians that confuses imperialism with dominion theology. While it’s true that history is filled with various crusades where wars and invasions …

Moses Breaking the Tablets of The Law by Gustave Dore

Very Bad Words

When I was a teenager I once asked my grandmother if saying G**D*** was really all that bad. My simple minded reasoning went something like this: Saying G**D*** is not …