Ten Thousand Miles From Tip to Tip

Dominion, Not Imperialism

There is a pernicious misconception from both Christians and non-Christians that confuses imperialism with dominion theology. While it’s true that history is filled with various crusades where wars and invasions …

Geneva Arke

The Covenant of Dominion

Like all things in creation, when God created man he created him for a purpose. Man wasn’t to simply lead a passive life in paradise. Rather, his purpose was and …

Christian Martyrs Last Prayer

Rome’s Demise

The Roman Empire didn’t fall because of military issues-The true roots of its decline were monetary. In Ludwig von Mises’s Human Action his explanation for the demise of Rome is …

Moses Breaking the Tablets of The Law by Gustave Dore

Laws v. Men

Are we a nation of laws or a nation of men? The very fact that the founders of our county even bothered to write the constitution shows that we were …